
All on Six - price per jaw

  • B&B Dental 5500 EUR *
  • Bredent 7400 EUR
  • Straumann 7800 EUR

All on Four - price per jaw

  • B&B Dental 5000 EUR *
  • Bredent 5600 EUR
  • Straumann 6500 EUR

Service package

  1. Transfer from the Nikola Tesla airport (for patients from abroad)
  2. Free accommodation for 5 days in apartments during the procedure (for patients from abroad)*
  3. Extraction of all remaining teeth
  4. Installation of implants (B&B Dental, Bredent or Straumann)
  5. Placement of a temporary titanium-plastic work on screwing immediately after receiving the implants (fixed solution)
  6. Placement of a definitive titanium-ceramic screw-on work approximately three months after implants placement with a minimum of 12 crowns per jaw (fixed solution)

Terms of payment

Phase I: Deposit in the value of 500 eur*, after receiving the appointment for the start of the intervention

Phase II: 40% of the total amount on the day of implants placement

Phase III: The rest of the total amount after receiving the definitive work. At least three months after the first phase

The warranty on crowns is 5 years.
The warranty on implants is lifetime.

* Prices are expressed in euros. Payment is made in Serbian dinars (RSD)

All on Six/All on Four case studies from our clinic